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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点六年级上册Part B下载详情
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教学过程(Teaching steps):

Step 1 、Warming up

T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you!

T: Look, what’s this? What color is it? What do the blue parts stand for?

Ss: Blue parts stand for oceans and seas.

T: What do green parts stand for?

Ss: Green parts stand for trees and grass.

T: Well. Our earth is beautiful, isn’t it?

Step 2 、Presentation


T: Boys and girls, look at the earth. We all live on the earth. It’s our home.

We call the earth “mother earth”. Care for “Mother Earth” that’s our today’s topic.(领读课题)



(1)、T: Boys and girls, first of all, let’s listen to the text. When you are

listening, please look at the screen, because maybe the pictures can help you understand the text. After this answer my questions: “What’s the main idea of this passage?”

Ss: The earth.

T: There are three paragraphs in this passage. Please read the first paragraph, I

have a question: “What’s on the earth?” Please write down your answer on the paper.

Ss: There are a lot of trees, flowers, rivers, mountains and some animals on the


T: What do you think of our earth? This time, let’s read together.

(2)、T: Our earth is beautiful. But sometimes we do bad things to it. What bad

things do we do to our earth? Please read the second paragraph and write down your answers.

Ss: We cut down too many trees. We waste too much water and make the

air dirty.

T: Now, What do you think of our earth? Our earth is not beautiful. So how

should we read this part? Low voice or high voice? Who wants to have a try?

(3)、T:Boys and girls, in our daily life, we do many bad things to the earth. We