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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点六年级下册Part A下载详情
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1. 教师准备Let’s talk部分的教学挂图或本课时的PPT教学课件。

2. 教师准备录音机以及Let’s talk和Listen and tick or cross部分的录音磁带。

3. 教师准备几张大小相同的纸条(足够写下两句英语即可)。


Ⅰ. 课程导入(Leading In)

ⅰ. 课前热身 Part A Warming-up: Think and circle


T: Boys and girls, we will have an English class meeting today. Let’s talk about your future. What do you want to be? What would you like to be in the future? Circle the picture, please.

OK. What do you want to be, S1? Can you tell us?

S1: Yes. I want to be a scientist.

T: Sounds great. But it’s not easy to be a scientist.The dream is very difficult to come true.You must study hard.Maybe you will make your dream come true one day, and you will become a scientist.

板书并领读短语dream,come true。

结合学生对语言知识的运用情况与学生进行自由地交流,也可以帮助学生回答,引导学生尽量回答完整,并尽可能多地重复would you like ...和课文中将要出现的语句,加深学生的理解。之后,让学生根据圈选结果进行会话。

ⅱ. 新课导入


T: Well. What would I like to be in the past? Do you know? What was my dream?

Ⅱ. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

ⅰ. 新课展示 Part A Let’s talk

T: This is Wu Chen. She had a class meeting today. They also talked about their dreams at the class meeting. Let’s try to know Wu Chen’s dream.

(1)课件出示问题:What’s Wu Chen’s dream? What’s her father’s dream? 然后播放Let’s talk的教学视频。要求学生认真听,认真看,并在看完对话视频后,回答问题。教师通过学生的回答情况,了解学生对对话的理解情况。


What does Wu Chen’s father do? Did his dream come true? Why?

课件出示填空Wu Chen’s father wanted to be a tour guide and travel around the world, but he is a worker now. His dream didn’t come true. 这样通过引导学生对Wu Chen’s father的梦想和职业的比较和思考,帮助学生更进一步理解对话内容。并通过探讨梦想没有实现的原因,引出并重点教授句型:

It’s difficult to come true.

I will study hard from now on.

板书短语:from now on 从现在开始,马上开始

T: Is your dream difficult to come true? Tell me, please.

Ss: Yes. My dream is difficult to come true.
