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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)三年级下册Unit 1 It's the ABC song.下载详情
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Students enjoy the fun of learning letters and English.

Key points:

1. Students learn the sound of the letters: Ii Ss Xx Zz.

2.Students learn to the simple phonics.

Difficult points:

Students spell the words in the way of phonics.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greeting

Sing a song

Good morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.(可走下讲台与一两个学生握手)Today we are going to make friends with letters“i,s,x,z”(交待本课所要学,并贴题目在黑板 Showing a picture of pig), Wow,here comes ...(A pig)展示一个chant story, (介绍森林中有一只小猪,他有3个朋友,今天,我们就来帮助小猪找朋友,看哪组最先找到,哪组就是冠军)(reading the chant,老师读一次,跟学生互动读一次). Today, let’s help the big big pig to find his friends ,OK? You have two team. Team A and Team B. Which team can find his friends, which team is the winner. Let’s see who can get here first?(手指着小山顶的zoo)

Now, Let’s sing a song, stand up please. (播放元音“i”的那个flash, 配一些手势)

Step2 Lead-in and teaching letter “i”

1)元音 “i”的发音/i/

1. In this flash we know “i” says ?, read after me /i/ /i/ /i/. /i/ /i/ big, /i/ /i/ pig.(贴字母和音标,单词?于黑板) (学生跟读两遍, showing a chant)Now, chant with me. (Big, big, pig, Please come in, I says /i/, /i/, /i/, /i/, /i/, 配动作带读一遍) Can you chant by yourself? (全班读一次)

2.教授 “i” 与其他字母结合的拼读。(Showing “ig”) We know “i” says /i/, “g’ says /g/. So “ig” says what? This word is p-ig-pig, this word is b-ig-big. (引导学生拼读出来 chant: 四组一组一句, 然后交换。同理教 “id”-----hid,kid。chant: 四个同学一人一句,一列,一横,一斜列)

元音 “i”的另一个发音/ai/

(展示一张小猪骑自行车的图片,导入语:The big big pig rides a bike to a hill.引出另一个发音) Everyone, look at these two words, ride and bike. Letter “i” in these two words says /i/or /ai/?. (解释不发音 “e”)When “i” meet “e”, letter e will sleep. It has no sound. So this word(展示ride)is r-ide-ride. (板书)(出现ite,及单词,带同学们拼读出来)

Game: Sharp eyes(快闪拼读单词,分组PK)

The big big pig is so naughty. He likes playing games. Let’s play with him,OK?: Sharp eyes

Chant /i/ /i/ /i/,a big big pig, /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ,ride a bike, to find his friends. (与学生一起配动作chant,承上启下)

Step3 3个辅音教学

(1) letter “s”-----snake

(展示蛇的阴影图,让学生猜是什么,引出小猪第一个朋友)Look, what is it? S~~~ (蛇嘶嘶声) Yes, a snake. It’s the big big pig’s first friend. Let’s make friend with the snake.(播放flash)Follow me. /s/ /s/, S.(带读两遍,配动作) /s/ /s/ snake, /s/ /s/ sun.(带读两遍)Now, one by one. (每一队选一列同学one by one, 一列/s/ /s/ snake,一列/s/ /s/ sun,PK)I have a chant: /s/ /s/ snake, /s/ /s/ sun, snake like the sun, /s/ /s/ sun. Can you? Let’s have a match.(Team A 跟 Team B PK) (加s和i一两个简单单词拼读sit, site,学以致用)

(展示一张pig 找到 snake 的图片,板书). Now, we find the pig’s first friends a snake. let’s go on and chant /i/ /i/ /i/,a big big pig, /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ,ride a bike, /s/ /s/ snake, sit by his side (与学生一起配动作chant,承上启下)

(2) letter “x”-----fox

(展示一张被遮住的狐狸 的图片,让学生猜,引出小猪的第二个朋友)Oh, the pig’s another friend appears. Can you guess what is it?( fox ) You are right, it’s a fox. /ks/ /ks/, x (带读3遍,配动作, 叫个别学生读) /ks/ fox, /ks/ box (带读两遍,板书two by two, 同桌互读,一个读/ks/, 一个读fox/box,分别叫两组进行PK)(加一两个简单单词拼读six, fix,学以致用)

(展示一张pig 找到 fox 的图片,) Now, we find out the pig’s another friend. let’s go on and chant /i/ /i/ /i/,a big big pig, /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ,ride a bike, /s/ /s/ snake sit on the bike. /ks/ /ks/ fox, hide in the box(与学生一起配动作chant,承上启下)

(3) letter “z”-----zebra

(引出小猪最后一个朋友)The pig’s last friend is coming. He’s in the flash. (Playing a flash of letter “z”) OK, which animal can you see? ( zebra ) Yes, the last friend is a zebra. Follow me, /z/ /z/, z(带读3遍,配动作。操练: Line by line) /z/ /z/,zebra /z/ /z/,zoo (带读3遍, 操练: 展示/z/ /z/,zebra卡片,读几遍快速换成zoo,看同学们反映够不够快)Now, let’s have a chant。(带读一遍,分组PK。Team A 前两句,Team B 后两句,然后交换)(加z和i一两个简单单词拼读zip,学以致用)

(展示一张pig 找到 zebra 的图片,) Now, we find out the pig’s last friend. let’s go on and chant /i/ /i/ /i/,a big big pig, /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ,ride a bike, /s/ /s/ snake sit on the bike. /ks/ /ks/ fox, hide in the box. /z/ /z/ zebra, go to the zoo.(与学生一起配动作chant,承上启下)
