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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)四年级上册Unit 1 Do you want some rice?下载详情
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四、教学过程:Teaching Presentation


Step1 Greeting & warming up 导入

(问候,并播放《If you’re happy, please clap your hands》歌曲边唱边跳)

T:Good morning boys and girls! Welcome to my English class! Stand up please! Before this class, let’s sing a song and dance together! Let’s sing the Apple song together!

Step2 Introduce the reward 介绍奖励机制


T: Now look at this picture, there are two apple trees, this apple tree is before the boys, if the boys did a good job, the boys will get an apple. And this apple tree is before the girls, if the girls did a good job, the girls will get an red apple. We must word hard! OK?

Step3 lead in & learn the new words 呈现新知:教授新单词

(课件展示一起去超市购物,超市里有很多好吃的东西,如:apples , bananas, noodles ,rice ,fast food、tomato、egg、potato等,部分新单词食物图片采取遮挡图片让学生帮助老师揭示并展示该新单词,教授新词,展示书写格式及教读新单词读音,帮助学生更好认读积累新词汇,从而达到师生互动效果,让学生在快乐的互动氛围中学到新知。)

T: Do you like shopping? Today let’s go shopping and learn English together! Where is it?

Ss: Supermarket!

T: Let’s go to the supermarket! Now you can guess “What’s this?”

Ss: apple!

T: You’re so clever! They’re apples! This girl pleases come here to help me to clean this picture. The other students can guesses “What’s this?”

Ss: Egg!

T: Yes, the girls are read it fast, so I’ll gave an red apple to the girls and the boys will word hard!

T: So clever you are! Today we want to try eating some western fast food!

T:Good job! Now let’s play a game, I have some pictures of food, you should tell me what kind of fast food please!


Step3 Learn the new sentences:“Do you want some…..Yes, pleases. / No, thank you” & prettiest学习重点句型,并操练

(展示课件,超市里出现服务员和顾客,他们之间运用“Do you want some…..Yes, pleases. / No, thank you”句型表达自己想要或不想要某物,师生进行角色扮演运用该句型进行对话并操练。)

T: There’re so many delicious food! Do you like noodles? Umm, I like it very much! “Do you want some rice?”

Ss: Yes!

T: If you like, you can say “Yes, please!”. And if you don’t like , you can say “No, thank you!” Now let’s make dialogs. (选择并移动变换学过的食物单词用到句型中进行操练,操练方式有师生对话、生生对话、小组比赛等。经过反复操练,可以掌握新单词和熟练使用句型进行对话。)

T: Now, stand up, please! Let’s chant together! You can clap your hands after the music!

Chant: Do you want some rice?

Do you want some rice?
