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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)五年级上册Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.下载详情

外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)《Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.》集体备课教案下载-江门市优质课

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3. 单元课时安排:2课时

三、Teaching & learning methods:


Teaching aids: CD-ROM, 单词卡片,图片,多媒体课件

五、Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up:

Say the chant: (教师带边拍掌边有节奏地朗诵)

Where did you go? What did you do?

What did you see? Please tell me.

Step 2: Lead in Activity 1

T:Last weekend, I went to the supermarket and I saw many clothes. Do you know them?(课件展示衣服类图片,让学生简单回忆巩固这些单词,为学习课文做好准备。)

Ss: T-shirts, shirt, shorts,coat, cap, hat, socks, shoes,skirt, dress, sweater, trousers...(学生争先恐后回答)

T: very good! OK, look at Activity 1, Ms Smart and Sam went to the supermarket too. What did they buy?(由此引出活动一,然后带着问题听力,他们去买了什么?)

Q1: Did Sam like this pair of shorts?

Q2: What did Sam want?

Q3: Did Ms Smart buy new clothes for Amy?

(学生看动画回答问题并圈出新单词,教师核对答案并教授新单词,板书:pair, shorts.)

Learn some new Words: pair, shorts,引申出a pair of, a pair of shorts

Step 3 Game time:火眼金睛

1、short, pair, bought, trousers, this pair of, a pair of, bought(图片,单词,短语与中文各种形式闪现操练单词,更好的操练学生大脑反应速度)

2、practice the text: 教师带读,学生齐读

Step 4 Presentation A2

T: look at the picture: What did Sam and Amy do?

Ss: 吵架(教学“吵架”单词“argue”并板书)

T:What are they arguing for?

Ss: T-shirts.

T: Listen and Answer (带着问题看动画,理清课文内容,他们为什么要吵架,最后怎样?)

Q1.What are Sam and Amy arguing(争吵) about?

Q2.Where are Sam's and Amy's T-shirt?

Q3.Who washed the T-shirt for them?
