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外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)《Unit 2 This little girl can’t walk.》最新教案下载-义乌市优质课

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Step 1 Pre-reading(阅读前)

T: Hello,boys and girls. Are you ready for class?

Ss: Yes.

T:Let’s begin our class with a game : Quick response. Please read the words and phrases quickly and loudly. Ready?Go! (播放PPT, 用音乐加快速闪现的单词,学生快速集中注意力,认读单词,这是对前面所学知识的一个复习,也是对本节课要学内容的一个铺垫)

T: Boys and girls, do you have any friends?

Ss: Yes,

T:Of course we have. Who is your friend? What can your friend do?

S1: ** is my friend. She can swim.

S2:** is my friend. He can play football.

S3: ** is my friend. She can play the violin.


(设计意图:让学生用He can...,She can..进行表达,巩固之前所学的句型)

T: I have friends, too. Here’s a poem about my good friend. By the way, He ’s an animal. Who’s he? Listen and guess.(播放PPT,用配乐形式进行朗读,为学生做好朗读的示范)

T: Dogs can’t do many things, but they can do something. Can you guess the topic of today’s story? (设计意图:抛出问题,让学生进行思考,并尝试推测)

Step 2 While-reading(阅读中)

T: Please read through the story, try to get the main idea and complete the topic. Dogs that ________(设计意图:带着问题快速阅读,了解大意,抓取关键信息)

S1:Dogs that work.

T: Which sentence is the most important for you get the main idea?(设计意图:让学生知其然,还要知其所以然,渗透阅读方法和技巧)

T: How many people are there in the story? Scan the story and circle the names.


T: What’s the matter with them? Please read from Picture 2 to Picture 4, then match.


T: What do they do? Please read from Picture 5 to Picture 8,then connect.


T: Look, this is an airport, follow me.

Ss: airport.

T: This dog is helping the policeman to look for drugs and bombs. You know that no drugs ,no bombs in the airport. (播放PPT)