(一)Warming –up
Sing a song(Postman Postman)
(二)New Teaching
T: Look , what do I bring today ?
Ss: Book ,pen .
T: Yes , I bring books .I bring pens . (师一边从口袋里拿出书和笔一边用英语说) 出示bring 单词卡片 ,师教读生跟读两遍。
T:Do you bring pen ? Do you bring book? (师先后举书和笔问)
Ss: Yes.
T: Now, bring you book and pen, do as I do , say as I say .(师播放幻灯片) 生跟着师咏读: I bring book ,I bring pen ,I like study ,I bring everything. (四个小组分别读三遍bring单词)
T: (师举着两本书,一本有标签,一本没有。) 问:Look at these two books , look at here?(指着贴标签地方问) What are difference between them ?
Ss: 生说。
T:Yes. There is a piece of book mark on this book. And this book, it has not. Look at the last page of this book , there is written Xinhua bookstore, I bought it from Xinhua bookstore.(无标签的一本) And look at this book, I borrowed it from our school. (出示borrow单词) 师教读生跟读,紧接着播放幻灯片。(borrow---borrowed, b和w排两边,双r站在双o间,要想记住过去式,就把ed后面添。)
Ss: 生边读边巧记borrow---borrowed.
T:when I read in a low voice ,you should read loudly; When I read loudly , you should read in a low voice.(师生大小声读)
T: 师拿着借来的书翻开做出读书的样子,边看边说:I read this book all.然后拿着买来的书摇着头说:I did not read it at all. 出示read 单词,at all 短语。
T:播放幻灯片。(read---read, r和d排两边,ea牵手站中间,古今读书靠勤奋,过去现在都不变。)师稍作解释,read的过去式和现在式是一样的。At all短语的连读。
Ss: 男女生分别读。
T:Look at these words and the phrase. Let us read together.(生看着黑板上的单词卡片) Ss: 齐读三遍。
T:Now, open your book, turn to page fifty-three, look at part one: Listen and chant.(师播放录音,听完一遍后生跟着录音咏读。)
Ss: 生咏读。
T:Look, what book?(师拿出一本中国历史书让学生猜)
Ss: 生说.
T: Yes, it is a history book.(师指着封面的历史教读history,指着中国历史教读Chinese history.) Ss: 生跟读。
T: 师播放幻灯片。(history, 中国历史不容易,他的(his)故事(story)要牢记。)把history分成两部分教学生记忆。
T: 师左右手分别拿一支钢笔,先后放在讲桌上,边放边说:I put one pen on my desk, I put another pen on my desk.然后举着钢笔读one , another; one pen ,another pen;学生跟读。紧接着就学生所带物品进行one,another练习。出示another单词卡片。
T:所有学生起立,跟着老师做,跟着老师说:one ear, another ear; one eye ,another eye; one hand ,another hand; one leg, another leg.强化练习another单词。