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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级上册Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?下载详情
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6、Teaching equipment preparation: Multimedia courseware word card, text CD.

二、Teaching tasks:Express your desire to meet pen friends in group activities.

三、The teaching process:

1、Family prep before class:Let the students follow the new words and text of the lesson three times,Write down where you won't.

2、Warm up review(group study):Students discuss each other's abilities in groups of four.It is recommended to use sentence patterns.: I can... Can you...?

3、The teacher tour helps students solve problems, and then some students are invited to show on stage.

4、Introduction of the text:

T: Do you have pen friends? Can you talk about him/her?

Can he play basketball? Can he sing song?

5、Text teaching:

(1)Play the text recording, the students listen to the tape and tick out new words.

(2)Group of 4 learn new words from each other.

(3)The teacher examines the learning of new words and corrects them.

(4)Word Game:Backhand.

(5)Listen to the tape again. The students think and answer questions:

Where is Laura from? Can Laura speak Chinese? Can Daming speak English?

(6)Play the tape again, and the students listen and read.

(7)The whole class reads together, men and women read in roles, and 4 people read in groups.

6、Mission expansion:

Let students express their desire to meet pen friends. The teacher starts with a demonstration:

I want a pen friend from London. I can write to her in English. I can tell her about China.She can tell me about the UK. I can also tell her abut Chinese dancing. I like Chinese dancing.

四、For today is homework:

(1)、Listen to the tape and read the text five times.

(2)、Copy the words and key sentences in this lesson.

五、Board design:

Module 5 unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend.

Can you be my Chinese pen friend.

I can... I can’t...

Can you...
