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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)三年级下册Lesson 3下载详情
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Students learn to sing the song “What do you like?”

Students can describe their own interests about food by using the patterns “I like…/I don’t like…”.

Moral aims

Let students understand the nutritional value of food and initially establish the concept of healthy diet.

III.【Teaching important points】

Let pupils understand the sentences “What do you like ? I like…/I don’t like.” and express their own ideas by using these sentences.

IV.【Teaching difficult points】

Pupils can use sentences to ask questions about the interests about food as pairs, and build up simple conversations.

V.【Teaching aids】

The pictures of different kinds of food, ppt, ipad.

Real food and so on.

VI.【Teaching procedures】

Step 1 .Warm-up

1.Greetings :How are you today?

2.Say a chant :What day is it today?

Step 2. Lead-in

1.Ask and answer :What ‘s your favourite colour/number/food?

(Lead in the topic.)

2.Look at the picture :What are they doing? They’re having a picnic.

(Teachers create picnic situation to intrigue the students’ interests.))

Step 3 .Presentation

1.Touch and guess.

Look at the teacher’s bag and guess what’s in the bag.

(Teacher shows the sentences I “like …/I don’t like…”)

2.The supermarket.

Review the old words about food. Present ‘What do you like?’

Ask and answer.

(Teacher shows the supermarket shelves to review the words about food, and show the sentence “What do you like?”)

Step 4 .Practice.

1.Say the opposite.