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新的句型: reading a book ,It’s lands on your book
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Look at the picture.Guess What is Toby doing,?Reading a book .
Read+ing 表示正在做某事.Then,What does he hear?Hear a bee.学习单词bee
Where does the bee land ?land落下,学习land。It’s lands on the book.
It 三单所以land+s
Look at the picture.Now if I am Toby,What happened?如果我是Toby,刚刚发生了什么?
You’re reading a book.You can hear a bee .It’s lands on your book
Read the sentences.Read again and do the action.
Now the bee flies…where’s the bee?
When the bee flies where can I find?.
Look at the picture.
Under the bed .No bee . Behind the curtains, Its not there.
Climb爬,学习climb Climb on the wardrobe.It’s not there.
If I am Toby”Where can I find.?如果我是Toby,我找了哪些地方?
You look under the bed,No bee .You look behind the curtains.It’s not there.
You climb on the wardrobe,It’s not there. Read the sentences.Read again and do the action.
Does Toby find the bee?Toby找到蜜蜂了么?
No It’s not there.Look at the picture.Where’s the bee?It’s on your nose!
Read the sentences.Read again and do the action.
One do the action ,others read the sentences.
Thank you, bye bye.