1. 帮助学生认识到学习英语的目的在于交流,激发其参与英语实践活动的兴趣。
2. 在学习活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。
?? 1. 培养学生乐于助人的品质.
?? 2. 学生能够用简洁的话语来表达自己的意思。
二:教学内容(Teaching contents):
1:museum,park,church,train station,tourist office,police station,hospital,bus stop,post office.
2. Excuse me, where’s the …? Go straight ahead,turn left,turn right.
?? 2. 情景会话“Excuse me, where’s the …?”
教学重点及难点(The important point and difficult point):
? 学生在课堂上围绕话题展开对话。
三:教学策略(Teaching tactic):
以本节课教学内容为中心,整体设计、创设一个情景。教师扮演一名导游,带着祁县的“地图”,为了迎接Mike,请学生们和我一起把它变成英文的,然后设想Mike用Excuse me, where’s the …?来问路,我邀请学生用本节课新授内容Go straight ahead,turn left,turn right为Mike做向导。创设“情景”进行教学,让学生置身于英语学习的世界里,有比较真实的感觉,让学生在轻松、愉快的环境中积极地学习,加强语言信息的输入,产生语言内化,做到学以致用。
?? 2. 采取任务型教学的设计理念,以“以询问信息和提供帮助”为主线,以任务为驱动,尝试采取“自主学习、合作学习”的教学模式,使学生在不同层次任务的驱动下主动、积极地参与教学。
四:教学资源(Teaching resource):
? ?音乐《rabbit dance》、多媒体课件、单词卡,地图等
五:教学过程(Teaching courses):?
Step1:Free talk and lead in(打造欢快的气氛交谈并导入)
T:Hello,boys and girls.Do you like dancing?Now let’s dance.Please stand up. Are you ready? ?Here we go.(和学生打招呼一起跳舞活跃气氛,激发学习兴趣,并给他们首次输入left,right,turn)
2.T:Are you happy?I’m your new teacher.I am Miss Guo.Guess I am from Qixian.where are you from?
Ss:I am from Pingyao.
T:Qixian is my town.(板书题目对应how)Your town is pingyao
T:Yes, your town is Pingyao.In my town ,There are many buildings .look!so many buildings at Qixian.
Step2:learn new words one by one(学习新单词)
T:Look ,number one is ?You try to read?
Ss:train station
T:Great ,train station ,train station.where is the train station?Guess which one ?turn left ?turn right?or go straight ahead?number?(表扬的词还有wonderful,super,clever,you did a good job等 每个单词就是这样的呈现并不断学着说三个动作)
Ss:go straight ahead.number one