三. Teaching aids: 课件 图片 仙人掌实物
四.Teaching steps:
Step1. Warming up
1. Greetings and free talk。
2. Say a chant and do the actions。
Step2. Presentation
(1)Today we will talk about Adventures.(板书课题)
导入:This is my friend Toby(引出主人公Toby)。He likes collecting boots/cowboy hat/cactus. 幻灯片一一呈现boots,cowboy hat, cactus并板书。
(2)T:Can you ride a horse? 幻灯片呈现horse图。S:… T:I can’t ride a horse. But Toby can ride a horse,and he likes riding his horse. 幻灯片出示Toby 骑马图。
(3)引入故事。One day,Toby puts on his boots and cowboy hat.师说并示范,由此训练到Put on my…Put on your…
Then he gets on his horse.指凳子,this is horse.
随机教学并一一做动作示范Get on your horse.
Go for a ride.
You’re tired.
Stop your horse
Get off.
Sit down on the ground.
You have sat on a cactus.
Step3. Practice
1、Drill(T&Ss师说,生说;师说、做,生说、做;师做,生说。师任意说,生做; group work小组自由练习并示范。)
2、Listen and number.(提升听力训练)
Step4. Production
1、Complete the blanks:
Toby likes riding a h(orse ) very much.One day,he put on his b (oots )and cowboy h(at ) ,and then he gets o(n ) his horse and goes for a r(ide). After a while(过了一会),he is tired ,so he stops his horse and gets o(ff ) . He wants to s(it ) down on the ground and have a rest(休息一会). Suddenly,ouch! Oh! He sits on a c(actus ).
2、幻灯片出示几组图片。情感输入We should be careful in our daily life.Safety is the most important.唤发学生安全意识。
Step5 Ending
Boots, boots , put on your boots.