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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级上册Lesson 3下载详情
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Experience and talk: how horses see, how goats see, how newborn babies see

Think and talk: how cats see

Think and share: Do you want to see like a cat/goat/horse…? Why?

Experience and record: How does a dragonfly see? How does a frog see? How does a snake see? How does an eagle see?

Think and share: What visions do you want to invent? Why?

V. Communication

Language of learning

Key vocabulary: eyes, vision, cat, goat, horse, newborn baby, see

Key phrases: If I see like a…, I can/can’t…

Language for learning`

What can you see?

Do you want to see like a …?

Let’s see like a …

see much/ see far/ see well

ⅤI. Culture

Different visions, different scenery. We should learn to see the word in different visions.

Lots of scientists are still studying the usages of different visions.We should keep our mind fresh and use our science eyes to observe our life!

ⅥI. Resources

paper sheets, plastic paper sheets, VR glasses,教学助手,电子书包

ⅦI. Procedures

Activity 1: Play a guessing game

Guess: whose eye is it?




Activity 2: Read the cover page of the picture book.


Activity 3: Experience the four visions

Cats’ vision