(1) 听懂会读短文中的单词和短语:black rhino, East Africa, leaf(leaves), mud, horn, make medicine, kill, take baths.
(2) 通过探究活动,学会运用句型描述珍稀动物,养成收集信息、整理信息、分析信息的能力。
2. 语言技能目标
(1) 通过小组自主合作的形式,用所学的词汇和句型描述一种珍稀动物,培养与他人合作解决问题的能力。
3. 情感态度目标
(1) 通过视觉上的冲击,增加学生对于濒临动物的认识,培养学生勤思考、细观察的能力。
(2) 了解动物生存的问题,获得启示,明确人与动物和谐共处的重要性。让学生学会关注与参与解决社会可持续发展实际问题。
Step1. Pre-reading ----激活旧知,调动学生学习兴趣
Can you read these phrases? Can you use them to talk about the animals?
four legs small fish in the water bigger than
a long tail grass on the farm smaller than
a big mouth other animals in the mountain in danger
eg: The tiger has got four legs.
Try to learn the new words and phrases. Then match the pictures with the right words..
black rhino East Africa mud leaf(leaves) horn
make medicine take baths kill fruit
Guess the riddles.
Create some new riddles.
Step 2 While-reading----问题引领,梳理文本层次
Watch a short video about black rhino.
Truth or lies.
T: The black rhino is a small animal. It has got four strong legs, a big mouth and big eyes. It can’t run. It has got colourful fur.
Which is right., which is a lie?
T: You can use “ I think..” or “I don’t think…”