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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级下册Lesson 1下载详情
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Watch a video.

T:What can you see in the video? (Books.)

Do you love reading? (Yes,I do.)

I Iove reading.


Task 1. Let’s read and find.

1.T:Look! There are many books in my home. There are books everywhere. I love reading. I read books in the library, in the sofa, in the bed, on the bench, I read books anywhere at anytime. So I'm a...

2.T:Here’s a song, maybe after the song, you’ll find the answer. Now, let’s listen.

3.Ss report.

T:I’m a bookworm.(引导学生学习单词bookworm).

T:I’m a bookworm. Why?

Now, open your book, and turn to Page38,read the lyrics and find the answers.

4.Teacher leads Ss to read the song and answer the questions.

Tip1: If you can’t read, you can mark it!

5. Talk about the new words in group.

6.Report in the class.

end until monsters open up islands bookworm

T:Have you got any questions?(Students try to say out their questions.)

7.Teacher leads Ss to answer the questions and read the song.

T: I am a bookworm. Why?

Teacher leads students to understand: I read and read and read and read until a story ends.

8.Read the text of Part1and Part2.

9.T:What are the books about? Read the song and try to fill in the blanks.

There are , There are .

There are , and .

There are , There are .

There are , and .

I just open up a book and I can see them.

10.Read the text of Part3 and Part4.

11. Let’s read.