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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁科五四学制版四年级上册Try yourself.下载详情
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能听懂、会说、认读、拼写单词:see, tree, grass;能听懂、会说、认读单词:mole, wind, bee, mouse, deer, toad, was, there并在情境中灵活运用。

能在恰当的语境中运用句型:Did you see the wind? Yes. / No. It was/wasn’t there. It can blow…进行交流。


Teaching procedure(教学过程):

Step 1: Pre-reading

1、Watch the video and listen to the song “What’s the weather like today?”. (Try to sing and do the actions.)

It’s about weather.

When we look out of the windows, we can see the weather. But our friend --- mole, lives under the ground. He can’t see the weather. (图片、视频呈现主人公mole及其生活习性,引出本课主题:Where is the wind?)

Step 2: While-reading

Show the questions. (带着问题观看视频并回答)

Q1: Did mole see the wind? ]

Q2: Who did mole meet?

Watch the video and answer.: No, he didn’t.

He met bee, mouse, deer and toad. (学习生词bee, mouse, deer, toad)

Watch again and learn the story.

See the wind, see the wind, go go go. (借助板书及韵句,一步步呈现、学习mole找风的过程,并利用头饰模仿、表演故事中的对话。此环节可以激发学生对故事的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性)

Mole is happy at first. (随着找风的失败,mole的情绪也发生了变化)

Learn the ending: Mole went back home. Mum said, “Did you see the wind?” Mole said, “No. It wasn’t there.”

Mole is sad now. (体现mole情绪的变化)

5.Retell the story.(借助板书复述故事,加深对故事的理解)

Step 3: Post-reading

1.Now let’s back. (回到洞口)The first time, mole went home. So we got end A. This time, mole will try again. Then we can get end B. (故事的结局有多种可能性,引导学生大胆假设,创造性地学习)

2. What will mole do now? Discuss in pairs and suggest, “You can learn from …” (books, teacher, computer …) Mole said to his friends, “Let’s work together!” (通过讨论,与生活实际相联系,帮助mole寻找解决问题的方法)

3. They learned and find. We can’t see the wind. But we can feel it. We can hear it. We can see the wind from something. Because it can blow something. Look. It can blow… (通过教师引领,总结出:我们看不到风,但是能感觉到风,能听到风。我们也可以从被风吹动的物体上看到风,引出拓展句型It can blow…,借助生活中的图片进行拓句练习,同桌合作,再从故事中找风。)

4.Learn the new ending: Mole went back home. 猜测Mum 与Mole 的对话,完成故事“Yes. It was there.”

Mole is happy now. (再次体现mole的情绪)

5.We got two stories, story A and story B. Which one do you like? Why?(引发学生深入思考,适时进行德育渗透)

6.Work in groups: Finish your new story book. Then read and act.(将组内所有材料按顺序排列并完成新绘本,学生填写的材料充实到新绘本中去。读故事并表演故事)