T: This is my friend Judy. She likes letters too. She wants to know the sounds of the letters. Let’s help her. A says? B says? C says?...Oops! The last four letters are missing! Let’s go and find them.
【设计意图】视听引领,旧知铺垫: 通过一首欢快的歌曲唤醒学生关于字母声音的记忆。接着创设Judy喜欢字母的情境,和学生一起复述已学字母的声音。通过找字母的情境引出本节课教学目标Fun with phonics:Ww, Xx, Yy and Zz。学生在喜闻乐见的视、听、说过程中进入英语学习状态。
Step II Presentation and Practice
A: Ww is in the water.
1. Meet Ww: T shows a picture of Judy in the park where there is a river. And then two fish carrying “W” and “w” appear in the water. T teaches the name of letter Ww. Then the two fish carry watch and window. T guides Ss to find w in the word by saying w w w, w is for...
T: Wow! We are in the park now! It’s beautiful. Where is Ww?
S1: It’s in the water.
T: Yes! Ww is in the water. This is big W(T pointing to the word card). This is little w(T pointing to the word card).
T uses the word card to drill the name of Ww.
T: Big w has something for us. Look! It’s a window. We can find w here. So we can say “w w w, w is for window”. Let’s chat together.
Ss: w w w, w is for window.
T: Little w also has something for us. Look! It’s a watch. We can find w here. So we can say “w w w , w is for watch”. Let’s have a try.
Ss: w w w, w is for watch.
T use different ways to drill the sentences.
【设计意图】 创设情境,寻找Ww: 通过创设Judy寻找Ww的情境,引出“Ww is in the water.”一语双关。 由Ww两条小鱼带出watch和window两个单词,让学生在单词中感悟字母w,并用w w w, w is for...这个朗朗上口的句子帮助学生记忆关于w的两个例词。
2. Listen and imitate: T uses the PPT to make the two fish carrying Ww talk. Ss listen and imitate the sound of letter Ww /w/.
T: Listen carefully! Ww can talk. (T plays the sound /w/.) What does Ww say?
S2: Ww says /w/
T: Great! Let’s bubble with the fish and say /w/.
【设计意图】体会发音,有趣操练: 创设鱼吐泡泡发出声音,让学生感悟w的发音。并通过和鱼一起吐泡泡操练/w/的发音。
3.Listen and chant: T shows the word card of watch and window. This time, T guides the Ss to feel the sound w makes—/w/ in the beginning of words. And T uses a chant to help Ss consolidate the sound /w/ as beginning sound of the words.
T: w says /w/. So we can say /w/ /w/ window, /w/ /w/ watch. (T uses word card to drill.)
T: w says /w/. So we can say the chant like this /w/ watch /w/ window watch window window.
【设计意图】由字母到单词,chant巩固字母音: 用单词卡片,将刚刚学习的两个单词,从发音的角度重新认读,让学生感悟w在单词中的发音。并通过节奏明快的chant帮助学生理解和记忆。教师还为chant配以音乐,调动学生积极性。
B: Xx is in the box.
4. Do and say: T shows Xx on the PPT. T cross her arms and say big X and cross her fingers and say little x. Ss watch and imitate. Then T gives gestures, and Ss do and say.
T: We find Ww. Ww goes to their friends. What about the next letter? What’s this?
Ss: Xx.
T: Look I have a big X here.(T crosses her arms) I also have a little x here.(T crosses her fingers)
T: Now, listen to my gestures. Do and say!