4.思维能力: 设计多个问题,让学生步步深入文本学习。通过问题链帮助学生建立思维路径。
能够运用重点句型:Can I help you? I want a……
Do you have one? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: Every gets a piece of paper.Please take out .Look, you must try your best to learn the new knowledge this lesson.. And you can get many stars.
Step1.Warm up
1. Greetings
T:Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today?
2 . Food store(Talk freely/Ask and answer about food store)
2. Chant
T: Let’s say the food chant together.
(设计意图:复习上一单元刚学习过的食物单词并结合句子 I want ......表达自己想要什么。这样既可以消除学生刚开始上课的紧张感,以旧带新,又能为接下来的新知识学习做好铺垫。动感的Chant可以学生迅速融入课堂。)
Step 2. Lead in
1. 揭示课题
T: You did a good job. Let’s go to another store. Our friend Mocky open a store.( Read the title: Mocky’s store)
Let’s visit Mocky’s store together.
2. 初读课文
T: There is a question for you :Who are in Mocky’s store? Look at the CD-rom ,and answer the question
Q: Who are in Mocky’s store?
(设计意图:设计简单的问题Who are in Mocky’s store?让学生带着问题听故事,整体感知故事。)
Step3 Presentation and practice
1. Learn P2-P4
(1) Listen and answer the questions
T:They are the customers. What does Lulu want to buy?Let’s ask Lulu.What do you want ,Lulu? (Listen to CD)
(PPT) T: You are Lulu. What do you want?