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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级上册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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教学准备(Teaching preparation)词汇卡片、人物头饰、多媒体课件

教学过程(Teaching procedures)

Step1 Warm up

Sing a song. “Good morning.”

Free talk

T: Hi./Hello./Good morning,…/Are you…?


T: Boys and girls. Let’s play a game. Quick response! Yes, he’s Conan. He needs help. Let’s help him! Look, this is a boy. He’s our old friend. Who's he? Can you guess!

S: Mike.

T: Yes, you’re right. We know Mike made two new friends in the story time. Do you remember their names?

S: Su Hai/ Liu Tao.


1)T: Now Mike knows Su Hai and Liu Tao. How does he ask them? (呈现Story time中2、4两幅图让学生回忆。) S: Are you Su Hai? Yes, I am.

S: Are you Wang Bing? No, I’m not. I’m LiuTao.(揭示课题 Unit2 I’m Liu Tao)

2)Let’s learn. Are you…? Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.并教授单词are/you/yes/am/no/not.

Let’s sing. Are you Su Hai, are you Su Hai?(用“两只老虎”的曲调唱)

Yes, I am, yes, I am.

Are you Wang Bing, are you Wang Bing?

No, I’m not, No, I’m not.

Step3. Fun time.

听力大考验Listen and guess.

T: Mike is playing games with his friends. Here are some Mike’s friends. Can you use “Are you…” to guess who they are?

现在有几个小朋友跟mike打了招呼,请你用Are you…来猜猜他们都是谁?

Guess and say.

Game :Who

Step4.Cartoon time

观察力大考验1) watch the cartoon 2)Answer the questions 3) Guess the meaning. 4)Say after the tape. 5)Say after the teacher 6)Say in pairs


T: Today Conan will go and get WangBing at train station.情景:柯南应客户要求去车站接朋友王兵。 你能用下面的对话来演一演吗?

A: Hi./Hello./Good morning. Are you…?