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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级上册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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使用方式和意图Step1. Warming up


Enjoy the song Don’t Talk, Tom

T: Tim wants to sleep. Tom wants to talk.

What do you want to do?

S: I want to……

T: Do you want to play a game?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Let’s play games together.

Step2. Before reading

1 Game 1- a. Act and Guess: Show a student word and ask him/her to act and others guess what he/she is doing

shout eat drink eat run talk sing dance draw jump

And put these words in the first box.

b. brain storm

Ask Ss to try to name the places as many as possible.

in the library in the bedroom in the classroom

in the music room in the playroom

at home at a party in the park at the zoo

If they can’t name them , then show Ss the pictures and teach. And put these places in the second box.

Ask two students to come to the front to pick the lot from the boxes. Others try to make sentences.

Eg. Don’t eat in the classroom.

Sing in the music room.

Don’t sing in the library.

  Game 2: Super Brain

1. T. What should we do in the library?

Discuss in groups try to list as many as possible.

2. The first student says one sentence and the second one should say two sentences

S1. Don’t run in the library.

S2: Don’t run in the library. Don’t eat in the library.