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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section C下载详情
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(3). Students can retell the whole passage with the help of the pictures drawn on the blackboard.

(4). Students can write down a 50-word to 70-word passage about introducing a place and give suggestions for a trip.

2. Educational objectives

1). Students can have a strong motivation to learn by cooperative working and finishing student-oriented learning.

2). Students can learn to listen to others and learn from others’ strong points.

3. Personal objectives

I will try to improve my classroom management ability by asking different levels of questions and assigning different levels of tasks according to my students’ reactions and giving clear direction throughout the class.

Focal points:

1. Use integrated skills to comprehend the passage.

2. Retell the whole passage with the help of the mind map (the “weather pictures”)

Difficult points:

Students can write down a passage about their memoires in the past by using the past continuous tense.

Procedures and Time Allotment

Stage 1: Getting students ready for learning (3 minutes)

Step 1: Greetings (1minute)

The teacher greets the students by saying “Good morning” and tells students that she likes traveling and has been to many places in China.

(Purpose: Create a student-friendly situation to motivate students’ learning interest)

Step 2: Vocabulary presenting (2 minutes)

1. Guess the name of country

Students should guess what is the country by some sentences about this country.

(Purpose: to let students know more about some country’s cultures or history and learn the new words to prepare for this passage.)

Stage 2: Pre-reading (4 minutes)

Brainstorm (4 minutes)

In the travel, what should Wendy take with her?

(Purpose: to arouse students’ learning interest and make them prepared thematically.)

Stage 3: While-reading (15 minutes)

Step 1: Skim the passage and choose the main idea (3 minutes)

Individual work: students read quickly to choose the main ides of the passage, which proves to be much more effective when the students pay more attention to topic sentence of the passage.

(Purpose: to improve students’ skimming skill and problem-solving ability.)

Step 2: circle the key words of each paragraph. (2 minutes)