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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section D下载详情
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(5) I’d like to ….

3、Learn to talk about travels, and holidays, maps and countries.

The key points and difficult points

Be able to talk about future plans and intentions,

Teaching aids

A recorder and a PPT

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Introduction

1. Greeting and warm up (Enjoy a song ---Summer Holiday) .

2. Review the expressions about seasons that students have learned in the last topic.

For example: T: Boys and girls, we learned something about the seasons and the weather .So how many seasons are there in a year?

Ss: There are four. T: What are they?

Ss: They are spring, summer, fall and winter.

T: What’s the weather like in spring?

Ss: It’s warm.

T: Wow, not that bad.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show students some pictures about Mid-autumn Festival and Spring Festival and some places of interest in China, and the last one is West Lake. Then teach the new words and phrase: together, places of interest (present them on the blackboard).

T: Look at the pictures. Do you know what they are and where they are?

Ss: 长城,故宫,秦兵马俑,西湖。

T: Yes, you all know their names. But what are they in Chinese?

Ss: ….

T: We call apples , oranges, bananas fruit. So what are these in Chinese?

Ss: 名胜古迹。

T: Yes. They are places of interest. (PPT: places of interest ) Read after me, places of interest.

2. Present some new country names.

T: Look at pictures on PPT, what are they?

Ss: Places of interest.

T: Then do you know where are they? Ss: … …

T: Now let’s know where these places of interest are.