3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。
Step 1 Warming-up
Enjoy a song“If you are happy”
Play a game(read and do)
Step 2 Presentation and practice
1.Learn ‘hot dog ., cake, pie, sweet,via riddles. (PPT)
Practice in the sentences.
Compare: pie, nice ,make, cake
看有趣的图片,了解hot dog的由来
Step 3 Story time
1.Look and say
Learn: It’s a picnic. Picnic()
2.Watch and circle
Exercise 1:
How many chirlren ? Who are they?
Who is the new friend?
How do you know? Learn: Nice to meet you.
Exercise 2:
3What do they have?
复习:hot dog, hamburger, apple, pie, cake,初步接触milk, sweet, pear.
3 Read and think
Who shares food with Helen?
4.Read and find
5 Read and choose
交流并呈现:You share more, you feel happier.
* 相机学习What about …?
6 Choose a way to read
* 有难度的句子要指导学生读出相应的语气。
7 Let’s retell.