Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
Teaching procedures
Before class, sing a song “the pigs on the farm”
Step 1 Free Talk
T: Hello, I’m Amy.
Ss: Hello, I’m …
T: What’s this? / What are these?
T: Nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you.
【设计意图】用学生身边的文具进行对话,既复习了所学的句型What’s this/that? What are these/those? 及其回答,也为下一步的呈现做了铺垫。
Step 2 Drill
T: Look, What’s this? It’s a magic school. Let’s go! Wow, there are four doors. Which one can you choose?
S: Open the yellow/... door, please.
【设计意图】通过magic school里的magic door引出下面几个有关magic的内容。并且正好把project里open the door, please.作了一定的铺垫与训练。让学生能够更好的理解其意思和如何在下面内容里展示。
Step 3 Magic ears
T: Let’s go. Oh, we are on the farm now. So I’ll give you a task magic ears. Use the sentences “What’s this/that? What are these/those?” to guess.
Step 4 Magic eyes
T: Good. Oh, we come back. Which door can you choose? Now I’ll show you some numbers. Look at them and try to remember them quickly. (PPT呈现课件)
T: What are they?
S1: ....
T: Good. Please choose one or two numbers and make up dialogues with them. For example, how old are you? (将问句与学生的答句板书)
S1: I’m nine.
T: Are you clear?
S: Yes.
【设计意图】通过magic eyes,来训练学生的快速记忆数字的能力,由记忆一个单词,到同时记忆两个单词,甚至还有可能是三个单词,慢慢的进行挑战的升级,让学生进行自我挑战与他人竞争的能力与意识。