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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section D下载详情
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●important points and difficult points

1、important points:sentence patterns and useful expressions about plans and arrangement.

2、difficult point:words and phrases about how to make a plan as well as what to do to reach the goals.

●Teaching method: task based

●Teaching aids: computer and blackboard

●teaching procedure Steps ProceduresReasonsStep1 leading-in Let students enjoy a song (Dream it possible) and complete the lyrics To lead in the topic of this lesson. That is how to make your dream come true by making plans.Step 2

Reviewing 1Listen to Linlin and Hubin’s dialog about their dreams and “√”the words and phrases you hear.Get students to review the following words: want to, hope, expect to, decide to…



Ask students to talk about their dreams by using the expressions in reviewing.Practice what have been reviewed in reviewing and talk about their dreams.Let students make a dialog to talk about their dreams with their partners.Get students to practice expressions of making plans and arrangements.Step 4

Reviewing 2Listen to Xiaomin’s letter about her dreams and fill in the blanks.Get students to review how to plan to reach their dreams.Step 5


Group discussion. Li Dong likes English very much, he wants to be an English teacher in the future. But he doesn’t know what to do to achieve his dream. Discuss in groups and give him some advice.Let students know the proper ways and plans to reach a dream.Read the passage and finish the information card.Try to get some information from the passage and get ready for writing.Step 6

SummaryLet students summarize the steps to make their dreams come true.Let students know the steps to reach goals and get ready for writing.Step 7

ConsolidationWrite a short passage about your dream.Get students to consolidate what have reviewed in this lesson.Step 8

HomeworkCheck your writing and try to rewrite it after class.

Keep your dream in mind and try your best to reach it.Consolidation after class.