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沪教版八年级上册《Module 1 Amazeing things Unit 1 Encyclopaedias listening &Talk time &speak up》名师精品教案

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沪教版八年级上册《Module 1 Amazeing things Unit 1 Encyclopaedias listening &Talk time &speak up》名师精品教案教学设计

2. improve their listening and speaking skills 教学难点 To catch the missing words when listening. 教学关键 Learn to take note quickly when listening. 教法与学法指导 Group work. Self—study 教学环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时间

分配 第二环节 观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法

Step I: Prepare for the listening and speaking

Step II: D o the listening


1. know the meaning of the following words :

Programme, knowledge

2.Do the listening and fill in the blank of the chart.

3.Read the dialogue in Part A, and pay attention to the stress of the sentences.

4. Speak up

Students can check some information in an encyclpaedia and talk about something they are interested in . 1.Read some new words which will be in the listening materials.

2. play the listening materials , stop when necessary

And then check the answers.

3. tell the students how to read the stress in a sentences and lead them to read the dialogue

4. let students follow the dialogue given and make their own dialogue.

1.To move the obstacles of the listening and speaking.

2.To train the students’ ability of catching the information of the listening materials.

3.To develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking.

4.Develop students’ ability of finding out information and use it correctly and improve their speaking ability. 第三环节 课堂练习

Step IV :Make notes about the listening.

4.Write down the key words you get in the listening part. 4.Give students another listening exercise and practice the listening part.Tell them to find the key words. 4.To help the students develop some ways of listening. 第四环节 课时小结

StepⅥ Sum up 6.Know how to take notes when doing the listening and know how to talk about a relative in your family. 6.Use ppt to help them sum up. 6.Help them to cultivate the ability of summarizing. 第五环节 课后作业 Make a dialogue in written way to talk about a relative in your family 课
