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八年级上册英语《Module 1 Amazeing things Unit 1 Encyclopaedias listening &Talk time &speak up》获奖说课教案

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八年级上册英语《Module 1 Amazeing things Unit 1 Encyclopaedias listening &Talk time &speak up》获奖说课教案教学设计

1) To get some information about Dr Sun Yat-sen and Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum by listening.

2. Ability objectives:

1) To learn to focus on the key points when listen to the recording.

2) To listen for the details by using listening skills and taking notes.

3. Emotion objectives:

1) To realize the greatness of Dr Sun Yat-sen and Lu Xun

2) To develop the ability of cooperating in groups.

Ⅱ. Key and difficult points:

1. Key points:

1) To learn some listening skills.

2) To use the listening skills to get information about a person and a place.

2. Difficult points:

1) To make a report based on listening and understanding.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids:

The Multi-media system, paper cards, worksheet.

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures:

Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes Pre-listening 1. Show two pictures.

2. Teach some key words.

3. Ask Ss to say something about Dr Sun Yat-sen. Then ask qestions. Look at the pictures and talk freely.

Look and learn some new words.

Think and talk freely.

Get warmed up.

Get prepared for listening.

While-listening 1. Give tips for listening.

2. Play the recording.
