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新世纪版七年级下册英语《Unit Four Entertain- ment and Sports Lesson 3 The World Cup》集体备课教案教学设计

Learn the past progressive tense.

Ability objective:

1. Grasp the main idea of the text.

2. To improve the students’ reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

3. Enable students to complete different tasks by using the knowledge they have leaned.

Emotion objectives:

To arouse the students’ interest in learning English

Let students have interest in talking about football and the World Cup

二、Teaching material: Students’ book

三、Teaching aid: Multi-media facilities

Teaching Procedures:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes

Pre-task Introduce some information about the World Cup. Look at some pictures and discuss some information about the World Cup. Lead students to know something about the text and the World Cup

While-task Text:

Let students do it by themselves on their books.

Ask students to show his answer to the class.

Let students do it themselves and the teacher move around the classroom and give them necessary help.


Teach the past progressive tense.

Ask students to read the books and try to make a conclusion about the past progressive tense. Review new words of the text.

Read the text

Judge T or F

Comprehension check

1. Read the books and conclude the usage of the past progressive tense.

2. Do some exercises on books.