Game: Boys and girls, do you like animals?(课件) Let’s play a game about animals. When you see the words, please say it loudly. When you see the pictures, Clap your hands for twice. (课件) Are you ready ?
Well done. Look at these pictures. They are all from our picture book we’ll read today .What animal can you see? (Pig) Yes, his name is Billy. Let’s say hello to him .(板书). Billy is a pig. Do you think pigs can fly? (No)Can pigs jump far ?(No) But you can make your pig fly or jump . (出示小组) We’ll have a competition today. Each group has a pig. In this lesson, we’ll have many tasks. If you finish the tasks well. Your pig can jump one step. (课件出示竞赛规则) The most steps you get, you’ll be the winner group. Are you clear? Let’s start the first round .You’ll have two listening tasks. Are you ready ?
Step 二、While- reading
(一) Round 1 Listen and answer
1.Look at Billy. Where’s he? Is he happy? What’s the matter? Guess ! (Maybe he’s..)
Let’s listen and try to find out the answer.
2.教学bored .What’s the matter with Billy? (Bored) Bored means have nothing to do .Read it after me .
3.表演Billy .Can you act Billy ?
问题引领 整体感知
Billy is going to find something interesting. Would you like to go with him ? Let’s listen to the whole story. And try to remember what animals he meets .
Time to check the answers. What animals does Billy meet ? (He meets …)
You did a good job.
(二)Round 2 Read and answer
1. When or where does Billy meet the animals? Let’s come to Round 2. You need to read the picture book and try to answer me some questions.
2. Now please read Page 2、4、6、8、10、12 and underline the phrases about the time or places. Here’s a learning tip for you. When you meet some new words, Please guess the meaning by the pictures or the context. You can also ask some help for your classmates or Miss Zhu. OK, open your books and read it.
Have you got the answers? Where does Billy meet the giraffe? (板书) (Billy meets the giraffe near a big tree ?)…Where does Billy meet the monkey ? You can’t find the answer in your book, but you can get the answer from the picture. Look, They are in the tree .
(对照板书)This is Billy’s route and it’s also a clue to our story.
Learning tips: When you read a story. Try to find out a clue to the story. It can help you understand the story.
Well done, Your pig can jump one step .
What does Billy want to do when he meets these animals? Here’s a choice question for you. A. Imitates the other animals. B. Help the other animals? (A) How do you know that?
练说句型 Read the sentences in your book .He meets Giraffe near a big tree. And he thinks it’s cool to be a giraffe ….