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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级上册Part A, B, C & D下载详情
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Step1. Show Bobby’s profile, teach the word “profile”.

Watch a video about Bobby, then talk about Bobby according to the video, finish the chart.

T: What’s his name?

S: His name is Bobby.

T: What does he have?

S: He has a big nose.

T: What does Bobby like?

S: He likes cakes and mangoes.

T: What does he have?

S: He has 12 balls.

T: What can he do?

S: He can swim.

T: Can he fly?

S: No, he can’t.

Chant about Bobby.

Teacher: Ss:

I am Bobby. Bobby, Bobby.

I have a big nose. Nose, nose.

I like cakes. Cakes, cakes.

I like mangoes. Mangoes, mangoes.

I have 12 balls. Balls, balls.

I can swim. Swim, swim.

I can’t fly. Oh, no!

3 Say about Bobby and teach the word Profile.

My is Bobby. I a big nose. I cakes and mangoes. I 12 balls. I swim. I can’t fly.

T: This is Bobby’s profile.

Ss read the word after T.

Choose the meaning. A. 人物图片 B.人物简介

Step 2. Show the teacher’s profile to the Ss.

Today, we’ll learn to write about your profile. What does a profile include?