Show the house of the little parrot and introduce the story
Step2. Presentation
Watch and tick
Q: Which place does the parrot go? (学生选出相关地点,教师板书,思维导图式)
Read the story in details.
A. The first one (the squirrel’s house)
Read the part of the first one, learn the new words of somebody else and then repeat the lip language.
B. Read the passage about the other places.
And learn the new words of wet, windy, poor parrot, noisy, the big bell and dirty.
C. Students work in pairs and choose the right of words for the relevant pictures.(ppt上学生选填相关词语)
D. Choose the one place you like to repeat the lip language.
Look and say.
(When the parrot comes back to his old house) now it looks _____ and _____.(展示图片)
Let’s read.
Draw a mind map (校对时教师黑板上贴好思维导图)
6. Let’s retell (借助思维导图)
7. What does this story tell us?
East or west, home is the best.
8. Name the story
Step 3. Expanding
How do you think of your home before? And now, how do you think of it?
Step 4. Homework
Retell to share the story with your families and friends.
本节课老师执教了一节英语绘本课。跟随着主人公Mr parrot的脚步,孩子们走过城市,穿过树林,飞过高山,越过大海,最终回到自己的小屋,却发现自己的家才是最好的。其实最好的往往就在我们眼前。通过本节课的学习,孩子们的课外词汇量有了不小的提升,也更乐意去尝试课外英语故事的阅读。