1. Students can use the words :long、short、fat、thin、tall、short、his、her、big、small.
2. Students can say the rhyme fluently;
3. Students can understand and act the cartoon;
Students can understand the picture book: The ugly duck. and know the saying :Don’t judge a book from its cover.
1.Students can use the words: long、short、fat、thin、tall、short、his、her、big、small.
2. Students can say the rhyme fluently;
3. Students can understand and act the cartoon.
1. Students can say the rhyme fluently;
2. Students can understand and act the cartoon.
本节课的核心教学内容就是通过复习如何描述自己或他人娃娃的外貌特征进而掌握描述描述人物或物品特征的方法。通过任务型教学法让学生体会Cartoon time以及Rhyme time的乐趣,提高学生英语学习的兴趣。在教学中,通过师生间的说、唱、猜、演、玩等多种形式,循序渐进地引导学生由词到句,由句到篇地掌握所学知识,从而提高学生综合语言运用的能力。并贴近生活实际为学生创造情境,让学生在真实情境中学习,体验英语学习的作用和乐趣。
本节课主要围绕介绍人或物的外貌特点展开。首先先对Story time内容进行复习及其拓展为Cartoon time和Rhyme time 做铺垫。通过The two boys are _______.这个问题自然过渡到Rhyme time中来,同时继续通过“What else can the boys do?”和“What else can the boys say?”这两个问题发散学生的思维并为学生接下来的改编小诗提供语料。进入Cartoon time环节时通过让学生观看机器人跳舞视频激发学生的兴趣并猜测文中这些机器人会做什么导入文本。这样环环相扣时刻抓住学生的思维。在理解文本过程中通过设计几个问题培养学生解决问题的能力与水平。但整节课不仅仅局限于对于文本的处理还要求学生对文本进行续编以培养学生的发散思维和提供学生一些口语表达的机会。最后通过绘本故事再渗透情感教育:不要以貌取人。
Step1 Warm up
Sing a song
Ask students to sing a song to review the new words they learned last class.
Brain storm
Ask students to say the words of body parts.
I can say the opposite words.
Ask students to read and say the opposite words.
Step2 Presentation
1 .Look and say
The teacher shows a boy doll and ask students to introduce, then introduce the girl doll.教师所给的文本提示由多到少,充分发挥学生学习的自主性。
2.Look and say
The teacher shows the picture of the two boys and asks the students to say :