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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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Warming upPlay a game.

If you see the sentences and the words , read loudly. If you see the zombie, stand up and say “jump jump”.

Step 2 Presentation& Practice

Introduce my favourite program: Dad, where are we going? If they want to join in ,they must finish some tasks to get the ticket.

Task 1 Look and say

This is my picture.(teach: picture)

What can you see ? I can see ...

(teach: tree, flowers, river, boat)

This is the ... and these are the ...

How do you feel of my picture?

Task 2 Watch and choose

What are Mike and Jim doing in the park? Watch the cartoon and choose. (Teach : Drawing in the park)

Task 3 Listen and tick

What dose Tim draw?

Task 4 Read and circle

Which picture can be Tim’s ? (Teach: difficult , easy)

Task 5 Happy reading

Read after the computer.

Choose one way to read.

Work in pairs.

A:What can you see/do?

B:I can …

Students choose on the work sheet.

Playing in the park, drawing in the park, running…

Students tick on the work sheet.

Students circle on the work sheet.

Step 3

Homework1. Read correctly and act the dialogue .

2. Preview Fun time and Cartoon time.
