五年级下册英语《UNIT TWO WHAT DO FLOWERS DO Lesson 7》精品课教案
Guide:Roots hold the plant in the ground.
Sara: What do flowers do?
Guide: They make seeds. Little seeds grow up to be plants.
Baobao: What do stem do?
Guide: They carry food and water to the leaves.
Sara: What about the leaves?
Guide: They make food for the plants.
Lesson 7
Baobao: What do leaves need to make food?
Guide: They need sunlight, air and water.
Sara: Nothing on the earth can live without the sun.
Baobao :You are right.
Guide: Plants make food for themselves.
Sara:They make food by their own leaves.
Baobao: So leaves are like little factories.
Sara: How wonderful!
1. 在谈论植物的各部分名称及作用的情境中,能够听懂理解并朗读Listen and say 中的对话内容, 获取课文中的相关信息,并能进行表演。能运用“What do leaves need to make food?”询问植物生长所需及回答。
2. 能在讲解员介绍植物功能的情境中听懂、会说、认读plant,up,carry,nothing, earth, without, sun, their等,并能进行简单运用。
3. 能在适当情境中运用“What do ...do?”询问植物各部位的功能并回答其职能。
1. 通过听力问答,图片提示,引导员讲解以及视频资料,理解课文并熟读表演。
2. 通过图片动态展示、例句演示的方法,引导学生领悟词义、个人读、分组读的形式,帮助学生在文中理解并掌握四会单词并简单应用。
3. 利用图片展示、观看Flash、创设情境和小组比拼等活动掌握植物各部位功能及简单应用。