drop ? off pick ? up
There are two cats ? on the table.
He lay there as ? if he was dead.
2. 元音+元音。
the ? apple go ? on
Tom is the ? only son of the ? old
She works day ? in and day ? out.
3. 辅音+辅音。
You look ? sad.
I had a good ? time yesterday.
. 连接音r。
I looked for ? it everywhere.
He lost a pair ? of shoes in public.
4.朗读下面的句子,注意句子中连读的部分。(“ ? ”表示连读)
1. I feel ? as ? if ? I were twenty years younger when ? I stayed with young men who were full ? of old ? ideas.
2. There ? are so many kinds ? of ? entertainment, such ? as sports ? activities, performances, plays ? and movies ? in the world.
3. The ? education TV service ? offers teaching programs ? on ? all subjects for people ? of different professions ? as well ? as for students, children ? and ? aged people.
4. Every year, thousands ? of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to take part ? in the ? Edinburgh International Festival, which started ? in 1947.
5. A group ? of ? American ? artists had the ? idea ? of the red ribbon 18 years ? ago. People wear ? it ? to show they care ? about ? AIDS