冀教版一年级起点英语二年级上册《Unit 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 14 Numbers 11—13》优质课教案
T:How are you?(边问边展开手臂)
T:Nice to meet you?(边问边握手) S:Good morning,Miss Ma.(挥手向老师致意)
S:Fine, thanks.(微笑并加以点头。)
S:Nice to meet you !(同老师握握手) 设计意图:在问候的时候加入一些肢体动作,让学生们感受到最亲切、平等、轻松、愉快的问候来拉近师生的关系,让学生们以最佳的状态自然地、快速地进入学习的状态。
Warm up
5分钟 Game: flowers bloom
Ask ten volunteers to come to the front. They turn around and around when they heard the chant. Then according to the numbers they hug together.
All together: bloom bloom bloom How many flowers bloom?
T:(The teacher show them a number learning before)
All together: Say the number loud. 根据老师所提供的数量进行凑数拥抱。 设计意图:游戏能让人心情愉悦,同时也让学生进行了课前的一个热身活动,激发学生积极的表现欲望,调整学生的最佳学习状态,为下面的学习做好铺垫。游戏当中的儿歌也是简单、容易上口,学生们会很喜欢,在游戏的同时复习了数字这一旧知。 Introduce
10分钟 T: Today we will go to a big farm. To help a famer pick the fruits. Let’s go right now.(show them a picture) Wow, how beautiful! I see some trees in it. Look , what’s on the tree? (Point to an apple)
T: Yes. This is an apple tree. apple apple (show them this word) Read after me.
T: In the same way to introduce the others words :pear and orange (Pick the big one in the basket when they say the words.) I pick a lot of fruit in my bag. Now let’s count together.
Move the apple from basket to the blanks one by one when they count the numbers from one to ten
T: There is an apple left in my bag. Now it’s eleven apples. eleven eleven eleven Please say it again.
(In the same way to introduce: twelve pears and thirteen oranges.)Ask the students to read the phrases again and again until they can say it fluntly. S: apple
S: apple apple
S: Eleven. Eleven apples.( Show them the key word on the white board.)
Can read the twelve pears and thirteen oranges by themselves. 设计意图:这种设计体现了知识的灵活性,不仅仅是给学生一个知识的结果而是将学习知识的过程完全的展示给了学生。充分的体现了学生的主体地位,让旧知识得到提升,新知与旧知衔接的自然。 Prctice
10分钟 T: I have a lot of things in my magic bag. Do you want to see it ? Let’s have a look. What are these?
T: How many flowers? Can you guess?
T:Now let’s count together.
At last ask one volunteer to count the rulers by himself\herself.
S: ……(Show them flowers books pencils mrkers and rulers)
S: ……(they can say any of numbers)