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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读season,?spring,?warm,?summer,?hot,?autumn,?


2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读fly kites, go boating, eat ice creams, go swimming, have picnics, go boating, make snowmen, go boating等词组

教学难点:学生能听懂、会说、会读In…, it is…以及We…等句型。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Warm-up

Free talk

T: Before the class, I want to know what day is it today. (Ss: It’s Friday.) What lessons do you have on Friday? (Ss: We have...) Do you have Art today? (Ss: ...) Do you like Art lessons? (Ss: ...) Because we can… (Ss: draw pictures) in Art lessons. So, let’s enjoy some pictures.

Enjoy the pictures (PPT出示四季的图片展示)

T: Do you like the pictures? (Ss: ...) What are the pictures about? Are they about days or subjects? (PPT展示三个选项) (S1: They are about seasons.) Yes. They are about seasons. And today we will learn Unit 5 Seasons. (揭题并带读)

Step 2 Presentation

Read and circle(学生自己快速阅读小诗圈出四个季节)

T: Now, can you tell me how many seasons are there in a year? (PPT出示问题) (S2: Four.) Good. And, what are they? Do you know? Please open your books and turn to Page 32. Read the rhyme quickly and fin out the answers. You can circle the words.

2. Learn to read (教授四个季节)

T: Are you OK? Now, who can tell me the four seasons? The first one is… (S3: spring) Yes. (出示春天图片) Please read after me. (学生跟读) (依次教读spring, summer, autumn) And, the last season is… (S4: winter) Good. We have learnt “window” and “after”. (根据学过的单词,让学生自己尝试读新单词) So, can you read the word? (随机叫同学起来试读单词)

Think and say (根据图片思考,用一些词来描述夏天)

T: So, we know the four seasons. Which season do you like? Can you tell me? (S1: I like…) Why? (S1: ….) (随机询问几个同学). So, do you like summer? (Ss: Yes!) You all like summer! Now, can you say something about summer? (PPT展示相关图片)

3. Learn to read (教授相关的天气词汇)

T: So, we all like summer because you can eat ice creams. Yes or No? (Ss: Yes!) But…Miss Shi doesn’t like summer. Do you know why? Because it is… (教师做出热的动作) (学生猜测出hot) in summer. Yes. It is too hot. (教师带读hot,男女生分组跟读) (依次教读cold, warm, cool)

Try to chant (跟着节奏读一读Chant,自己拍手读一读,快速拍手读一读)

Look and say (根据图片内容简单说一说不同的季节所做的事)

Read and find (读小诗1-2段,找出春天和夏天的活动并划下来)

Look and say (教授fly kites 和go boating)

Look and act (教授eat ice creams 和go swimming)

Listen and repeat (跟读录音1-2段)

Read and match (自读小诗3-4段,找到秋天和冬天的活动并与图片匹配)

Think and say (根据图片思考并理解have picnics的含义)

Look and chant (教授go climbing并让学生自己拍手chant)

Look and read (自己读一读make snowmen和go skating)