五年级下册英语《Unit 4 Good Habits Lesson 24 Helen Keller》精品课教案
通过学习Helen Keller这位世界上着名身残志坚有志之人的优秀事迹,让学生学有所得,学有所悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生在任何时候遇到艰难永不退缩。
通过课前预习、课上互动、课下交流反思,老师和学生互敬互学,师生关系十分融洽。 教学重点及难点 重点:学生能够用“could,couldn’t”来描述过去所具备和不具备的能力。
难点:学生能够流利地使用正确时态来描述自己的能力,能够复述Helen Keller的伟大事迹。五、教学辅助工具 多媒体,图片,眼罩,芭比娃娃,学生小时候的照片。
教 学 过 程 设计意图 Activity 1 Warm up
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, teacher.
T: Welcome to our English class again. Would you like to sing---body song with me?
S: Yes.
TS: Sing a song together.
Activity 2 Introduce the new lesson
1. 感受生活美好。
Game: Blind drawing game
a. T: 让全班同学都戴上眼罩(eye-shade)画画。
Now please take out your eye-shades,a piece of paper and a pen. I want a boy and a girl to draw on the blackboard.wear it now, let’s draw a picture. A girl and a boy are welcomed here to draw on the blackboard.
T: Who’d like to come here?
S: Volunteer to come to the blackboard.
T: Are you ready? Draw a big round face, two small eyes, a big nose, a big mouth and two big ears.
S: Draw.
After that
T: All right please take off your eye-shades, let’s see our pictures.
S: 看到画也许会笑。
b. T: Ok, this time, please wear this again and do the action.(教师让学生再次戴上眼罩,并做堵住耳朵的动作。)
S: Wear and do.