教科版四年级下册《Module 6 Celebrations Unit 11 I was born in January Sound family》优秀教案设计
Pupils will be able to
--pronounce words containing the graphemes “qu”“ts”“ds”and“y”.
--read the rhyme in this module.
学 情分 析 学生已掌
握了什么 已经掌握了通过已学单词找出一些字母及字母组合的发音规律的方法。 学生还未
掌握什么 还未掌握这些字母及字母组合“qu”“ts”“ds”and“y”的发音。 重 点 The sound-spelling relationships represented by the graphemes “qu”“ts”“ds”and“y”. 难
点 The sound-spelling relationships represented by the graphemes “qu”“ts”“ds”and“y”. 方 法手 段 PPT
(主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 四个环节设计意图和达成目标的表述 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?) 学生学习过程(学生学什么、怎么学?) 复习暖身
Flash the letters in Sound family 1-5 and ask the pupils to say their sounds quickly.
Read the sentences with new words below the pictures in Sound family 1-5 one by one like this:
Eg. The toy train is ninety cents.
Step1: ai/ei/ train
Step2: c/s/ cents
Step3: Read the sentence.
Ask four teams to choose one group to have a competition like this:
Eg.Words are shown:(work (write (run ④teach
Group members say one by one
(worker:w-o-r-k-e-r (writer:w-r-i-t-e-r (runner:r-u-n-n-e-r
listen to some verbs’ spelling and then spell their -ing form as soon as possible.
Eg. Hear:t-e-a-c-h-e-r
Pupil1: teach-teaching-t-e-a-c-h-i-n-g
Chant the rhyme in class.(On Page 31) 闪现已学字母及字母组合让学生快速说出其读音,加强学生见词读音的能力。