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教科EEC版四年级下册英语《Unit4 This Is Really Fun Class 3 Textbook p.30-31》优秀教学设计

By all kinds of teaching activities to develop the students’ cooperation spirits.

Make the students use the new words fluently and accurately in sentences.

Key points: Ask the students to master the words in class.

Difficult points:the pronunciation of scared and tired

Teaching methods : teaching and demonstration

Teaching steps :

Step 1:Warming up .

Greeting .

Review with pictures .

Step 2:Presentation .

Learn new words .

The teacher teaches new words by pictures, and students imitate and follow the teacher reading new words; The teacher explains the pronunciation and students try to spell them; Students read new words one by one; Learn other words in the same way. At last, the teacher leads the students to observe the characteristics of the words’ structures to remember them more quickly, and to encourage the students to find the right way to remember the words separately.

Step 3:Practice .

Game 1:Beat a fly.(The teacher reads a word on the blackboard . Several students hold swatters to see who hit the fly first.)

Game 2:Guess words!( Look at actions or expressions and guess .)

Game 3:Listen and act .

Activity: Make sentences .

Step 4:Summing up .

Step 5:Homework .

Blackboard design :

Unit 4

bumper car ,roller coaster

scared ,tired ,excited