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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁教湘教版三年级起点五年级下册Section B下载详情
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五年级下册《Unit 5 You must come to school on time. Section B》优秀教案

3.Emotional objective: students are able to learn about there are some important rules in our daily lives and they can follow these rules.

Teaching difficult point :

Students are able to understand the meaning of this passage and master the key words and sentences.

Teaching key point :

Students are able to master the key sentences and can communicate with classmates about the rules in daily life.

Teaching aids : tape-recorder, pictures about rules

Teaching method : task-based method

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Warming up and leading in


T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: How was your weekend?

Ss: Just so so./Good.


T: We have learned this word------rule. Do you remember it ?

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you know any rules in our daily lives?

Ss: Yes/No. We can not use a cellphone.

T: Very good. And look at section B. today we are going to learn section B.Please turn to page twenty-nine and look at the titles of this passage.

Step2 Presentation

Listen to the tape and read quietly following the tape. Circle the strange words at the first time. After listening to the tape, the teacher will invite a student to tell the meaning of the two titles.

Traffic Rules & Canteen Rules

Start with the two titles, the teacher begin to teach some new words that students never meet.

After learning about new words, the teacher will give students 6 minutes to read this short passage. After they finishing the passage, the teacher is gong to ask several students to translate the sentences. And the whole class will check the answers together.