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清华版二年级上册《UNIT 1 THE ENGLISH LETTERS Lesson 7》优秀教案设计

Students should know five vowels and their characters.

Ability objectives

Students can pronounce some letters in the words and write out the first letter of some words we learned before.

Students can know some meanings of abbreviated forms.

Students can learn English independently as well as cooperately.

Emotion objectives

Have students know the importance of letters in our life.

Help students increase interests and set up confidence .Enjoy English and happy learning.

教学重点: Students can recite the 26 letters and write correctly.

教学难点: Find out vowels and their family numbers.

教学方法:Method of situations and games.

教具准备:PPT, cards

课时安排:The 7th period


Steps Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purpose Warmer 1. Show a video. 1. Sing a song.Bingo


热身活动让学生能迅速集中注意力。 Lead-in 1. Show the picture of the park. Tell Ss it’s special. It’s a theme park of letters.

2. Tell Ss rules of the game in the park.

1. Look at the picture and fell the situation in the park.

2. Divide students into two groups and win free ticket to the park. Sing the letter song before they go into the park. 带学生进入一个神奇的字母游乐场,激发学生的学习欲望,并用小组比赛的方式鼓励孩子为自己小组争得免费票。 presentation 1. Show a big ferries wheel on the BB and choose five vowels for compartments. Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu.

2. Classify other letters into different vowel family according to their pronounce.

Aa(Hh Jj Kk)

Ee(Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv)


Uu(Qq Ww)