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外研版(刘兆义主编)英语六年级下册《Starter unit Join us Lesson 2》优质课教案

Process and methods

Use communicative teaching and learning methods to let students understand the questions in this part.

Use cooperative teaching and learning methods to let students to master the questions in this part.

Emotion, attitude and value

Students have interest in learning English.

Students have carefulness in learning.

Teaching key point

Students can understand the questions in this part.

Teaching difficult point

Students can answer the questions correctly.

Teaching aids

PPT, cards.

Teaching process

Step 1 warming up

1 Greeting.

2 Free talk.

3 Look at the information about three stars in China and answer some questions about them. These questions includes the questions starting with what, how, when, how old and where.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Show the information about Simon. Give students several seconds to memorize the information.

2 Students close their books and answer some questions about Simon. Then stick their answers to the blackboard.

3 Answer the questions together.

4 Pair work.

Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Step 3 Practice

1 The teacher chooses a student. Then ask him/her some questions.