外研版一起六年级上册英语《Module 10 Unit 1 Only drink clean water》优秀教学设计
情感目标:Train the student’s interest in learning English and get them to communicate with each other. 重点 ?It’s fun to do sth.,并能在实际情景中运用。 难点 能正确表达自己对做什么事情有兴趣。 教学时间、时数 1 Period 教具 Tape, computer, pictures, etc. 教学手段、方法 情境教学法,活动法等 教
程 Step I. Warm-up (热身活动)
1. T:I got up late this morning. I didn’t have breakfast. So I’m hungry now.拿出课前准备好的饼干吃几块儿,I like biscuits. Do you like biscuits? What food do you like?
2. T: Now I’m full. But I’m thirsty.拿出课前准备的两瓶水(一瓶脏的,一瓶干净的),Can I drink this water?( 脏的) Ss: you can’t. The water is dirty. Can I drink this water?( 干净的)Ss: Yes, you can. T:I can drink this water. This water is very clean. We should only drink clean water.引出课题,齐读。
Step II. Presentation (介绍新语言项目)
T: Today Daming , Simon and his mum went to a park and had a picnic. What did they eat? What did they drink? Open your books at page 38.老师出示课文挂图,整体呈现课文
Ss: They ate some sandwiches. They drank water. T: Is the water themselves? Is the water clean? Listen again. 再听一遍录音后,让学生回答。
Ss: No, it isn’t .
T: They didn’t bring any drinks.引出新单词bring.
T: We know they didn’t bring any drinks. Where did they drink water?
T: Is this water clean?
Ss: Yes . This water is very clean. T: It‘s fun to drink this way.
Step III. Practice (练习)
1. Listen and repeat the tape. 2. Find and underline “It’s fun to …” 教学过程 3. 创设情境练习It’s fun to do sth. 教师先做示范,很高兴地边打乒乓球,边说It’s fun to play table tennis.
4. 四人一组练习表达自己乐于做什么事情,向全班同学表达。
5. 以小组为单位做接龙游戏,说It’s fun to do sth . 在规定时间内说得多正确的一组就获胜。
6. Do the exercises: Write four things, using “It’s fun to …”结合课堂活动用书P39练习4
Step IV. Production (任务完成)
1. Listen and repeat the tape.
2. Act the text.
3. Retell the text.
Step V. Summary and Homework (小结与作业)
1. 熟读课文