粤人版五年级下册英语《Culture 2:The Olympic Games》优秀教学设计
How do you watch them?
Which events are your favorites?
What are the events in the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics?
Talking about the Olympic Games and the Countries holding the games.
Create situations, create a relaxed learning environment, stimulate interest in learning English.
Guide students to cherish their life and loving the sports.
Understanding the Olympic Games and the culture of the Countries holding the games.
课前准备: small video PPT
Step 1 Revision.
Show some pictures about the ports and talk about “what sports do you like? Why?”.
Step 2 Presentation
1.Watch a small video:2008奥运会宣传片
2.Talk about the Olympic Games.通过图片展示,逐句学习有关奥运会的内容,这样学生比较容易理解:
The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. They are held every four years. Many countries in the world take part in Olympics. The Olympic Flame is an important symbol of the Olympic Games. The Olympic flag has five circles. They are the Olympic Rings. They are blue, yellow, black, green and red. There are many events in the Olympic games.
Do you watch the Olympic Games?
How do you watch them?
Which events are your favorites?
3.Fill in the blank:通过图文并茂的展示学习,用填空的形式来突出知识点。
4.Learn some new words for events: running, diving, hurdling, skiing, ice-hockey, ice-skating
What are the events in the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics?