3. 有韵律的朗读英语诗歌,体会英语韵律美。
4. 综合复习第六单元所学的重点语言知识,提升语用能力。
四、教学重点 ( Teaching important points):
自主发现并归纳总结字母I i在单词中/ i /、 / ai / 的两种读音。
五、教学难点 ( Teaching difficulty points):
1. 运用Ii的拼读规律,自然拼读出含有字母Ii的单词,并会运用所学单词进行遣词造句。
2. 综合复习第六单元所学的重点语言知识,提升语用能力。
六、学情分析 ( Students analysis ) :
学习对象是有一定自然拼读基础的四年级学生。语音教学如果只是机械拼读,整节课就会索然无味,学生兴趣度会降低。所以将字母I拟人化,创设了Mr. I的人物形象,营造了Mr. I’s trip的故事情境,,让学生跟随字母先生的脚步参加层次递进的活动:find in Clothes Home, learn in Sound School, go to the Rhyme House , travel in the Party show。巧妙的融合了自然拼读法和绘本阅读。四年级的sound time内容为元音a e i o ,元音字母是决定单词发音的关键部分,因此,基于对教材的研读和学情的了解,设计了the sound of “Ii”的语音新授课。字母Ii是本节课的重点,借助TPR教学法、游戏法以及思维导图法等使语音学习达到趣味化、一体化、系统化。
八、教学过程 ( Teaching process ):
Step 1 Warming-up (4 mins)
T: How are you today?
Step 2 Lead-in (6 mins)
T:Who is he? He’s our new friend Mr. I. Let’s say hello to him.
Ss: Nice to meet you, Mr. I.
T: today, Mr. I will show us some interesting places. Let’s go with him to have fun English. OK? The first station is Clothes home.
【设计意图:语音的教学不像Story time或者Cartoon time那样有剧情有趣,所以如果环节与环节独立推进,就会使得整节课变得机械无趣,变成机械拼读操练。所以这节课我把字母I变得拟人化,创设了Mr.I这样一个Our new friend。利用Mr. I’s trip这样一个情境,让学生跟随着Mr.I一起去interesting places,这样的设计可以很好的将各个环节任务串联到一起。】
Step 3 Presentation (15mins)
Clothes home --- Sound school --- Rhyme house --- Party show
Clothes home
T:There’s a fancy dress party .But the students cannot find their clothes. Let’s help them!
Read and write in Page 43
Work in pairs.(Check the answer)
Sound school
T:In sound school, Mr. I met a lot of friends. Look at this picture, what can you see?
Ss: I can see…
Mike, like, kite, bike, time, nine
= 1 ﹨* GB3 ① Q: What can you find?(Discuss in groups)
The sound of I / ai / consonant + vowel + consonant + e
Ss: I find these word contains the letter I . And the letter I pounces / ai /.