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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Story time下载详情
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2.在情境中会听、说、读、写present, buy, next, put, look, early

3、通过在情境中交流,学会句型: “First/Next/Then/Finally…”

Teaching Difficult points:


Teaching procedures:

Step1.Warming up and lead-in


2.Free talk:

T:I meet you at every English lesson. But do you know my day ? Please listen carefully. I wake up early in the morning . First , I buy some noodles for my breakfast. Next, I go to school. Then , I give lessons. Finally , evening comes , I listen to music and read stories. Please retell my day.(teach “first, next, then, finally”)

学生复述。T: Very good . A pretty present for you. (teach “present ” “pretty ”)

Step2.Presentation and drills

(1)T: Listen , what happens ? (播放视频:圣诞老人降临)

T: Who is he ? S: He’s Father Christmas.

T: When does he come ? He comes on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. After Christmas Eve,it’s Christmas Day. It’s on the 25th of December. These days are before Christmas.

T: Look at the big bag ? What’s in it ? S: There are lots of presents.

T: Yes. There are lots of presents in it . This storybook is one of the presents . What’s the story in it ? Do you want to know?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: First , let’s watch. Next, let’s learn , Then , Let’s retell. Finally , let’s plan.

(2) Before watching . Look at the pictures .Who are they ? What do they do ?

There are three different periods . Please watch carefully and then put the pictures in the right places.

(3) Watch the cartoon.

S1: Picture B and C are about “Before Christmas ”

Picture D is about “On Christmas Eve “

Picture A is about Christmas Day. They have a big lunch,

(4) Read and tick

What do they do before Christmas?

(5) Listen and answer : what do children do on Christmas Eve ? (teach “stocking”)

(6) Finally, it’s .. Listen and complete. 让生填空。 ( teach “turkey pudding ”)

T: How do you think about Christmas ?