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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Story time下载详情
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2.read, understand and use this sentence pattern: First, …Next, …Then, …Finally,…

3. understand the story as a whole.

4. read the story with the right pronunciation and intonation and retell it.

(二)Aims on Skills:

From this lesson, the students can:

make a progress in reading stories.

Be better at communicating and cooperating.

(三)Aims on Emotion:

From this lesson, the students’ interest of learning English should be cultivated. At the same time, they can enjoy Christmas.

Part3. Key points and difficult points

(一)Key points:

1. Students can understanding the story as a whole.

2. Students can read the dialogue with the right pronunciation and intonation.

3. Students can know the traditions of Christmas from this class.

(二)Difficult points:

1. To read the story fluently and understand it well.

2. To retell it.

Part 4. Teaching Aids: CAI, pictures, Self-learning paper

Part 5. Teaching and learning methods

In this lesson, I will adopt “Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative teaching method”, “Cooperative learning method” and so on.

Part6. Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Warming-up

PPT: Pictures about some of the students who watched the Micro-videos . At the same time, play the English song: We wish you a Merry Christmas.

Students enjoy the pictures and the song.

Present the topic: Unit 8 At Christmas

T: Let’s start our English class now, OK?

Ss: OK./Yes.

T: You know, today we’ll talk about…

Ss: Christmas.

T: Yes, our topic is “Unit 8 At Christmas”.