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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Checkout time & Ticking time下载详情
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Step1 Warm up

1、Greetings and free talk.

Good morning. Nice to meet you .

2、Sing a song < We wish you Merry Christmas>.


Step 2 Presentation

1、T: Just now, you sang Christmas song very well. Today we’ll learn more about Christmas. First, let’s play a game “Magic eyes”.

T: But how to play it? Let’s look at the rules. When you see the phrases , please read loudly. When you see Santa, clap your hands and say “Santa”. Are you ready?


2.T:You say the Christmas words and phrases loudly and quickly, so you get them very well. Now can you talk about Mike’s family’s Christmas?

T: What do Mike’s family do at Christmas ? Look at these pictures ,try to say . (Pay attention: work in groups, first: discuss in group, then: each student choose a picture to talk about it, finally: report it in order ,don’t forget to use the words :first, next, then and finally.

T: Do you understand ?I’ll give you one minute to prepare it. Go!

T: Time‘s up. Let;s talk about Mike;s Christmas. Which group wants to try ?

T: Well done. Let’s give them big hands. Now let’s retell the story together.


3.T:You see, Mike’s family do many interesting at Christmas. So they have a lot of fun.

T: Our friend YangLing does many things too. Look, What does she do?

(Ss describe the pictures)

T: What does she do at first/next/then/then/finally?

(Ss talk the pictures in pairs)

T: How is her Christmas?

T:What about your Christmas? What do you do at Christmas?

T:Do you like your Christmas?

T:You just do normal things, no special things.Do you know why?

T:Yes,Christmas day is very popular in western country.But in China, Spring Festival is popular .

T: So at Spring Festival, we just do normal things, such as…(ppt)

T: So we are happy at Spring Festival. We like Spring Festival. Just like in western country, people like Christmas.


T: look! Our friend Helen is happy at Christmas too. And she sends a letter to us to talk about her Christmas. You see, This letter is from Helen.

T: What does Helen do at Christmas? You can guess it like this: