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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级上册Section A下载详情
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—Yes, we must./No, we don’t have to./No, we needn’t.

3. Asking for and giving advice.

4. Talk about how to prevent the flu:

(1)We should exercise often to build us up.

(2)We should wash our hands and change our clothes often.

(3)We had better not go to crowded places.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)


1. (师生就健康话题进行讨论。注意应用情态动词should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t,导入本课的目标语言don’t have to, needn’t。)

T:Boys and girls, we know keeping the school and classrooms clean is good for our health. Then do you know how to keep healthy? You’d better say it with should/shouldn’t, must/ mustn’t, had better (not).

S1: We should have healthy eating habits.

S2: We mustn’t throw litter around.

S3: We mustn’t drink sour milk.

T:Must we go to see a doctor when we have a headache?

S4:Yes, we must.


T:No, we don’t have to. / we needn’t. We can have a good rest.


Must we go to …?

Yes, we must./No, we don’t have to. / we needn’t.S5:We shouldn’t exercise on an empty stomach.

S6:We should have enough sleep.

S7:We should brush teeth twice a day.

S8:We shouldn’t read in the sun.

T:What else should we do to keep healthy? Please make some sentences with had better.

S9:You’d better go to bed before nine o’clock in the evening.

S10:We had better not play sports right after meals.